The DISC Assessment Report

The DISC online assessment is a resource for all types of individuals and organizations— public or private; large or small. DISC teaches users powerful behavioral profiling skills which can directly improve performance and increase productivity in a variety of settings and professional frameworks. Learn to positively persuade other people and drive sales, build “A” teams for special projects, improve hiring & selection, empower management and much more.
Many of the world’s most forward thinking and successful organizations have relied upon our DISC expertise to provide them distinct competitive advantages.
In simplest terms, our DISC is an invaluable behavioral profiling system that teaches users how to identify— and use to their advantage— the predictable aspects of communication. Based on the research of Dr. William Moulton Marston, DISC is the most widely used behavior profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and continuous validation.
"Co-workers are like family. Most of the time, you don’t get to choose them and there will inevitably be people around with whom you naturally clash. By understanding your own [style] and the people style you’re dealing with, you can establish rapport with someone more easily, become more persuasive, and avoid miscommunication..."
~ Business Insider, May 2013
It’s not a secret: people prefer to interact with people they like. The ability to create rapport is a fundamental skill in sales, management, executive-level leadership and everyday life. The goal of DISC is to help users first build, then maximize productive relationships. You do not have to change your personality; you simply need to recognize what drives other people and understand your options for effectively dealing with them.
Our DISC reports are as much prescriptive as they are descriptive. In other words, our DISC reports are unique because they teach users specific skills to improve their own interpersonal interactions. While our reports do go into considerable detail describing users’ natural DISC behavioral style, we believe this is really just the first step. Our reports empower users with specific recommendations unique to their profile. When utilized, these skills have the ability to enact powerful and demonstrable returns. To see significant professional and interpersonal benefit, we believe it’s important that our DISC users come away with fast, effective learning strategies that demonstrate immediate results.
View Sample Reports Here
Many of the world’s most forward thinking and successful organizations have relied upon our DISC expertise to provide them distinct competitive advantages.
In simplest terms, our DISC is an invaluable behavioral profiling system that teaches users how to identify— and use to their advantage— the predictable aspects of communication. Based on the research of Dr. William Moulton Marston, DISC is the most widely used behavior profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and continuous validation.
"Co-workers are like family. Most of the time, you don’t get to choose them and there will inevitably be people around with whom you naturally clash. By understanding your own [style] and the people style you’re dealing with, you can establish rapport with someone more easily, become more persuasive, and avoid miscommunication..."
~ Business Insider, May 2013
It’s not a secret: people prefer to interact with people they like. The ability to create rapport is a fundamental skill in sales, management, executive-level leadership and everyday life. The goal of DISC is to help users first build, then maximize productive relationships. You do not have to change your personality; you simply need to recognize what drives other people and understand your options for effectively dealing with them.
Our DISC reports are as much prescriptive as they are descriptive. In other words, our DISC reports are unique because they teach users specific skills to improve their own interpersonal interactions. While our reports do go into considerable detail describing users’ natural DISC behavioral style, we believe this is really just the first step. Our reports empower users with specific recommendations unique to their profile. When utilized, these skills have the ability to enact powerful and demonstrable returns. To see significant professional and interpersonal benefit, we believe it’s important that our DISC users come away with fast, effective learning strategies that demonstrate immediate results.
View Sample Reports Here