Using DISC to develop and align your team is what the smart manager will do. Especially if the team is a new one, or its team members are struggling to align to a group purpose. When any group of people work together, the team leader and most of the employees are each competent and capable of doing their jobs.
However, many challenges can occur if an awareness to focus on the “people factors” in the team is missing. When not addressed in the beginning, this dynamic often takes on a “life of its own” as people instinctively compare themselves and make decisions about other people based on their own biases and prejudices of what is “right” and “wrong.” They become defensive, want to be right, look good and not be dominated or controlled by others.
They take up sides.
When we add another layer of people’s own personal challenges and agendas – i.e. long drives to work in traffic, family challenges, people holding out on their real feelings, trust not being sufficiently built, and trust levels being violated due to jealousy, lack of understanding, etc., etc., etc. it is no wonder that personality clashes and chaos become the standard or norm rather than the exception in a team.
Each problem can be solved and none of this need occur when an organization uses DISC profiling and implements DISC Team Building.
Send us an email to request a call to discuss how we can support you to build and align your team...
You will be glad you did!
Using DISC to develop and align your team is what the smart manager will do. Especially if the team is a new one, or its team members are struggling to align to a group purpose. When any group of people work together, the team leader and most of the employees are each competent and capable of doing their jobs.
However, many challenges can occur if an awareness to focus on the “people factors” in the team is missing. When not addressed in the beginning, this dynamic often takes on a “life of its own” as people instinctively compare themselves and make decisions about other people based on their own biases and prejudices of what is “right” and “wrong.” They become defensive, want to be right, look good and not be dominated or controlled by others.
They take up sides.
When we add another layer of people’s own personal challenges and agendas – i.e. long drives to work in traffic, family challenges, people holding out on their real feelings, trust not being sufficiently built, and trust levels being violated due to jealousy, lack of understanding, etc., etc., etc. it is no wonder that personality clashes and chaos become the standard or norm rather than the exception in a team.
Each problem can be solved and none of this need occur when an organization uses DISC profiling and implements DISC Team Building.
Send us an email to request a call to discuss how we can support you to build and align your team...
You will be glad you did!