Is a DISC Profile a measurement of a person’s INTELLIGENCE?
No. Intelligence is very difficult to measure and there are many more than one type of “intelligence”. DISC does not tell us how smart someone is. There are no “smart” DISC styles or “dumb” DISC styles (even though some people think that the other person’s style IS one or the other!)
Does DISC include an indicator of a person’s VALUES?
No. Values are the why of a person’s behavior. Why we do what we do? Values are not observable, but must be dialogued. DISC is not a measurement of Values!
Is it a measurement of SKILLS and Experience!
NO! Skills and experience are two of the primary focuses of an employer; what can you do and what have you done. These are outside of the realm of DISC.
Should DISC be used as a measurement of the effectiveness of one’s EDUCATION or TRAINING!
NO! DISC does not give a judgment on this or any other items above. Yet, as we shall see, DISC has an inescapable bearing on all the above. Most of those skills and competencies can be brought into one’s awareness and developed through many of the other profiles and suggested training in our system.
Will a report reveal things about me I don't want others to know?
DISC profiles are designed to empower you in communication, and to explain what people can already see. It doesn’t ask questions to “find out” about you!Your profile is a starting point from which to communicate your strengths and what’s important to you. We use it in coaching because it is easier to use to talk about yourself authentically once everyone can see the results. People like others who understand themselves and who don’t use their style as an excuse for bad behavior!
Applying DISC in life..
What can I get from using DISC profiles?
With what comes in a profile report you can uncover self-limiting inner dialogs: This is a great place to start with a DISC certified coach. “I’m not smart enough, good enough, perfect enough, strong enough. Etc.” By working to understand yourself through your profile report, you can get to the core of these messages and not repeat patterns that haven’t work for you in the past.
You can get in touch with who you are BEING so you can take responsibility for changing your perceptions or adjusting your behavioral practices. So you can significantly alter how you respond to relationship conflicts or things that come up in the experiences you find yourself in and interpersonal situations.
Ideally, use DISC to maximize your strengths, hidden talents and gifts. Once you know what they are, you can have more fun playing, expressing or sharing – even exaggerating them with others! Once people see that they can get results in a number of ways, they stop taking themselves so seriously!
Is the DISC Profile valid and reliable?
The DISC profile is a scientific instrument, highly validated and reliable. The computer calculates and summarizes from the literally tens of thousands of possible answer combinations, and displays them in both a graphic and word display, passing statistical tests for reliability.
Our experience in using it with thousands of people and profiles is that as long as a person answers honestly and doesn’t think or analyze it for too long, taking no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete it, they will be amazed at its depth and accuracy.
In fact, since a computerized version came out in the early 80’s millions of people have taken a DISC profile and, answered honestly, they report it as one of the most amazingly accurate and useful pictures of themselves and their strengths they’ve ever seen.